Teach Teach the Faith Jesus went throughout Galilee teaching - Matthew 4:23 To develop the understanding of what it means to be the CHURCH: The People of God at mission: - Conduct regular scripture study and discussion groups welcoming the participation of all.
- Provide opportunities for people to develop an enhanced understanding of the faith through: the distribution of written teaching materials, establishing a theological library and conducting training programs on sacraments and liturgy.
- Increase our involvement with local schools through Religious education and special services.
- Further develop the Sunday School, Youth and children's program.
| Grow Grow Congregations Bear fruit and grow in the whole world – Colossians l 1:6. To grow the understanding of congregations to see themselves as confident, enthusiastic, prayerful, bases of ministry: - Advertise services and parish activities in local press, bulletins and brochures at motels, community notice boards, Twitter, Facebook , Internet (Web Site) and provision of visitor cards etc.
- Welcome, Acceptance, Compassion, Peace and Hope?.
- Follow up and visit all families who have had children Baptised, newly married couples, bereaved families and lapsed people on the parish roll.
- Support the ministry to children and young families.
- Conduct regular Parish luncheons, dinners, Morning and Afternoon Teas
- Have a meaningful presence in community forums and conduct annual public Christmas Carol service.
- Develop family friendly services to encourage young families and children.
- Develop partnerships throughout the Diocese and conduct shared services.
Give Increase Giving God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7 To be faithful and generous with all that God has given us: - Increase giving through growth in congregation.
- Increase giving through each member raising their contribution each week.
- Undertake broader fund-raising activities and encourage community involvement.
- Develop a skills list of those prepared to give of their time and talents.
- Conduct annual Mission project.
| Serve Serving Communities I am among you as one who serves - Luke 22:27 To demonstrate the compassion of Christ in the communities of the Diocese: - Conduct regular Pastoral visiting program to infirm, housebound and elderly.
- Develop a Prayer network throughout the Parish.
- Provide emergency food relief for those in need as well as pastoral support.
- Ensure that our Op Shops are places of welcome and acceptance.
- Invite and welcome the needy and underprivileged to parish activities e.g. coffee mornings, luncheons etc.
- Develop a Parish Brochure for distribution to local businesses, council, hospitals, motels, schools etc.
- Strengthen the Parish community through encouraging involvement in groups
- Scripture study groups.
- Training programs
- Provide community Referral Information.